Old World globalization and food exchanges
Boivin, N., Fuller, D.Q. & Crowther, A. 2015. Old World globalization and food exchanges. In Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia, eds. M.C. Beaudry & K.B. Metheny, pp. 350-356. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Sealinks thesis wins ICAS Accolade
The International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) Book Prize Committee has awarded the Best PhD for “Ground-breaking subject matter Accolade” to Dr. Tom Hoogervorst. The thesis, entitled Southeast Asia in the Ancient Indian Ocean World: Combining Historical Linguistic and Archaeological Approaches (2012), was written while Dr. Hoogervorst was a student at the University of Oxford. Dr. Hoogervorst’s PhD […]
Sealinks Project highlighted in ERC Report
The 2012 European Research Council Annual Report has just been published online, and carries a feature on the Sealinks Project. The piece, which appears in the Research Highlights section, describes the Sealinks Project’s innovative, multidisciplinary approach. It also mentions Project PI Dr. Nicole Boivin’s trip to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) […]
Wenner Gren award for Oxford conference bursaries
Generous funding from the Wenner-Gren Foundation has been awarded to support the participation of scholars from the developing world in the Proto-Globalisation in the Indian Ocean World Conference. This includes two bursaries for early career researchers, to be awarded through an open competition. The bursaries will cover travel to Oxford, accommodation (5 nights), subsistence and […]