Sealinks conference podcast

Public lectures by Prof. Himanshu Prabha Ray, Dr. Nicole Boivin, Professor Mark Horton and Dr. J.D. Hill at the Ashmolean Museum are now available here. The talks were presented as part of the opening of the Proto-Globalisation in the Indian Ocean World Conference on 7 November. Click on play button below to listen: Presentations included: […]
Sealinks invite to Buckingham Palace

Sealinks PI Nicole Boivin talks about her visit to Buckingham Palace and the Sealinks Project in a recent edition of the Jesus College Alumni newsletter. Click here to read the newsletter piece.
Reconstructing pre-modern biological translocations

Hoogervorst, T. 2013. If only plants could talk…: Reconstructing pre-modern biological translocations in the Indian Ocean. In The Sea, Identity and History: From the Bay of Bengal to the South China Sea, eds. S. Chandra & H.P. Ray, pp. 67-92. Delhi: Manohar. PDF
Genetic tracking of mice and other bioproxies

Jones, E.P., Eager, H.M., Gabriel, S.I., Johannesdottir, F. & Searle, J.B. 2013. Genetic tracking of mice and other bioproxies to infer human history. Trends in Genetics (in press). Abstract: The long-distance movements made by humans through history are quickly erased by time but can be reconstructed by studying the genetic make-up of organisms that travelled with them. […]
Conference: Proto-globalisation in the Indian Ocean world

November 7th to 10th, 2013, hosted by the University of Oxford and the Sealinks Project. One hundred scholars and students from around the world will gather for 3 days of presentations and discussions covering the latest multidisciplinary research on the early Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean has emerged as a major topic of interest amongst […]
From Colonisation to Globalisation: Species Movements in Human History

Ideas emerging from two European Research Council-funded projects, the Sealinks Project and the Palaeodeserts Project, have led to a spin off conference. The conference “From Colonisation to Globalisation: Species Movements in Human History” will explore the role played by humans in moving various species around the globe from the Palaeolithic era through to historical times. […]
Globalisation and the people without history

Conference Session: Society for American Archaeology, 3-7 April, 2013, Honolulu Globalisation and the people without history Session organisers: Nicole Boivin (University of Oxford) & Michael Frachetti (Washington University in St Louis) Challenges to dominant area studies paradigms and the study of bounded entities have provided a welcome new focus on processes of connectivity and interaction […]
Sealinks workshop covered in Azania

The Sealinks Project workshop “East Africa in the Indian Ocean II”, held in Oxford 22-23 March 2012, has been reviewed in a recent story in the African archaeology journal Azania (2012, Volume 47(2), pages 226-30). The piece, by Professor Peter Mitchell of Oxford University, describes it as “a highly productive as well as convivial workshop, conducted in […]
Sealinks presents in Australia

The Sealinks team presented a number of papers at recent meetings in Australia. Papers were presented by Dr. Alison Crowther (pictured), Dr. Nicole Boivin, and Professor Mark Horton at the Indian Ocean Archaeology Network meeting in Perth, 9-10 November, and the Dimensions of the Indian Ocean Past Conference in Fremantle, 12-14 November. Sealinks DPhil student […]